FINALLY. After 3-1/2 weeks since Rocco first arrived, we have peace. Yesterday was the first day that Henry and Rocco didn’t scuffle. They can now graze happily together without a fight. Henry has won the honour of Top Pig and Rocco has finally realized that there’s no point challenging a much heavier opponent.
Since Henry & Rocco Grass Cutting has been on payroll, we no longer need to cut the grass. They’ve done such a great job keeping our front and back yard trimmed that they’ve expanded their services to greener pastures next door.
The boys often ask to visit our neighbour where the grass is lush and juicy!
They work fast, they work for free, and they love their job. Fertilizing is complimentary.
Grazing is their specialty. And they don’t take breaks.
They also take care of weeding cracks and edging.
Service with a smile. Oink.
They keep on mowing, even when their bellies are stuffed.
Full bellies after a hard day’s work.
Brian - Can we borrow the hogs? My next door neighbour doesn’t cut her grass.
Summer Appetizer Plate with Local Honey | Eat Boutique - handmade food giftbox, homemade, homespun, gift basket, food that hugs you back - […] know a couple of boys who would love to lick the […]
Blackberry Peach Pie | Eat Boutique - handmade food giftbox, homemade, homespun, gift basket, food that hugs you back - […] these beautiful berries. Most are frozen, to use in kefir smoothies throughout the winter. Henry and Rocco are right at our heels, gorging on ripe fallen berries. Not sure where these berries came from, […]
Samuel L. Chell - Pigs are famous for going to the same location for doing their “fertilizing” business, as far away from their food as possible. I’m not sure if they can agree on a common location or if they each must have their own. But I would think that anything resembling equal distribution of nutrients to the soil would require a bit of help from a human with a spade.