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Basement Aquaponics and Raising Tilapia

This summer, twenty little Blue Nile Tilapia were hand delivered to my door. I had given up all hopes of finding a supplier in Canada, and was thrilled when I found one near my home. The fish spent their summer growing out in the greenhouse where our first aquaponic system was made. Once the cooler temperatures of September came around, we relocated them to our basement, in a 100-gallon stock tank (giant water bowls for cows and horses). Here’s the growbed two weeks after seeding.

October 15: The bok choy, kale and basil are already forming secondary leaves. Green onions, celery and romaine lettuce were store bought, cut and stuck right into the growbed. It’s amazing how they will continue to grow and regenerate.

More green onions and celery. Cut and store in the fridge for later use, while the ends sit in shallow water and continue to send new shoots and stalks. These onions were cut just above the elastic and grew back in about 2 weeks. I know, I know, I’m digressing, just wanted to share this lovely arrangement growing on my kitchen table. Back to aquaponics…

You can see water is continually being pumped (coming out of white tube) to fill the growbed. To the left is the bell siphon which automatically drains the water back into the tank once it reaches a certain level (1-inch below the surface). This flood and drain set-up is different than what we had previously done in the greenhouse. A timer is not needed and because the pump is always on, it’s less wear and tear on the pump. Kind of hard to explain without losing everyone, so I’m putting it out there to you readers, that if there is enough interest, we may put together some kind of a workshop where you can see how it’s done, or even build one to take home with you. Lemme know and we’ll see what happens.

October 21: A week later, look how much they’ve grown. You can see towards the back where the black hose of the pump attaches to the white PVC pipe. The boxy black thingy is the digital thermometer to keep the tilapia’s water a toasty 80 degrees.

October 26: So this is when I started noticing that the leaves were not as green as they should be; instead they were a mottled yellow. Everything I looked up indicated that it was low in iron. After more investigation, I realized that the timer which turned the lights on and off, wasn’t turning OFF.

Who knew that plants needed a dark rest period? After turning the lights off for 6 hours a day, these pale green leaves started to darken up.

October 29: New leaves are looking a little greener.

Rainbow chard, assorted herbs, pea shoots and nasturtium is doing great, so are the tomatoes in the back. See how much the green onions have grown?

November 12: We keep raising the lights to accomodate the fast growing vegetables.

November 17: Look how much the tomato plant in the back has grown in five days.

November 25: A lush jungle.

Be sure to test the water often, especially in a new system. I rushed it a bit by putting the fish in before properly giving the tank time to cycle and build up beneficial bacteria. The green sample on the left shows ammonia at quite a dangerous level. After doing a 30% water change, and adding good bacteria from the shrimp tank, the levels were at an acceptable level (yellow mean zero ammonia) within a week. Good bacteria converts ammonia to dangerous nitrites, which then converts into nitrates…harmless to fish, wonderful food for plants.

So what happened to our last remaining prawn?

She was fine up until two days after this photo was taken. She died, after a molt, and had been dead a little too long for us to even want to eat her. I probably couldn’t anyways, we became friends in the end.

Tilapia has been the easiest to raise as they are pretty hardy and can tolerate high stocking densities and fluctuations in water quality. Look at those eyes staring at me. We cannot be friends. I have to remind myself that or there will be no fish on the table.

The fish had grown from tiny little 1-inch fingerlings to between 5-7-inch adults. They will continue to grow till they reach plate size of about 1-2 pounds (cross my fingers). This is definitely a male, that thing sticking out is his uro-gential pore where urine and milt passes through.

This is a female, hard to see in the photo, but she has three openings, one of which is a slit (oviduct) to pass the eggs.

We placed one male and five females in our second tank in hopes that babies will come. The male has claimed this flower pot and will try to entice one of the girls to come and lay her eggs.

For some reason, the male looks nothing like the other females. He’s suppose to be a blue tilapia, but looks white to me. The girls huddle in the corner, not at all interested in following him home.


The rest of the fish in the main tank. Did you know once they reach adult stage, the fish are mainly herbivores? That’s what I read anyways. Here, I’ve got cut up blemished leafy greens from the growbed, which leads me to wonder if they will eat sprouts?

Rather than feeding my fish commercial pellets, I’m trying to grow my own source of fish food. Soaking in water, is some wheatgrass, red clover, and alfalfa seeds. Here’s how to grow your own sprouts from a previous post.

Strain by pouring water out through the lid after soaking.

Rinse and strain twice a day, and four days later, you have jars of sprouts.

Pretty amazing eh? These alfalfa sprouts are rich in protein, carbohydrate and minerals. Good for everyone in the family. The chickens and rabbits also love it, the pig brothers, not so much.

So did they like it? Yes, but the problem is the sprouts clogged up the pump which led to fish gasping for air as the water was no longer moving through the system and getting cleaned. I’m going to try it again, this time with some sort of a rigid screen box to sit the pump in and keep the sprouts out. I’m confident that it’s a good source of food for the fish; what I feed them will ultimately ends up in our bodies.

Screens were placed on top of the tank after we lost one suicide jumper. Towards the right of the above photo, you can see clean water automatically draining back into the tank.

So after we started the second fish tank, we also added a smaller second growbed to go with it. Right: Fluorescents (from the microgreen set up last winter) is hung from the rafters. The height is adjusted using S-hooks and a chain.

The plastic pipe attached to the bottom of the growbed is where the water drains. It’s cut to the level that you want your water to reach just before it drains. The hardware cloth around acts as a barrier to keep the clay pebbles and any debris from clogging up the drain. Hubby holds a 2″ diameter pipe, with several cuts made at the bottom to allow water to flow in. A cap is placed on the other end, this “hood” fits overtop the drain pipe. In other words…what you are looking at is the makings of a bell siphon. Water through vacuum pressure, is sucked up into the bell, and when water fills the growbed, will automatically drain. Confusing I know. But it works.

Washed clay pebbles are added to the new growbed, which is from the bottom of an extra rabbit cage I had lying around.

Bell siphon in action; you can see the water reach just below the growbed medium before it drained. You never want the water level to reach the surface or it will encourage algae growth and get all black and slimy. It will also compete with your veggies for oxygen and nutrients.

November 25: Spinach, rainbow chard and bok choy was planted by sprinkling the seeds directly onto the clay pebbles where they fall into the crevices.

November 27: Two days later and the bok choy have sprouted!

November 29: The bok choy have doubled in size, and the rainbow chard has sprouted.

December 3: Bok choy has secondary leaves, and the spinach is finally starting to sprout.

Our little aqua-urban farm in the 6′ x 8′ room in the basement… growing food year round regardless of season.
(I love my little red mechanic’s stool to carry stuff and roll around on. Goes up and down too!)

January Update: Basement aquaponics a month later.
Summer Update: We’ve switched it up! Ducks instead of fish…visit this link for Backyard Duckponics.
March Update: Basement aquaponics a year and a half later.

  • Tiffany - This is amazing! You guys are totally inspiring, unfortunately I do not have a basement for such a large scale grow-op, but I’ll figure something out!ReplyCancel

  • Janet - Absolutely fascinating!!ReplyCancel

  • Venita - Do you know if you can grow catfish like this? I live in Texas..fyiReplyCancel

  • Mary - Jill, I get tired just reading about how much energy and resourcefulness you and your innovative family have! Just fascinating. I can’t even keep a small basil plant alive on my porch in summer.ReplyCancel

  • Bakeca Torino - Cool! I love this stuffReplyCancel

  • Mark - Hi Jill – great to run into you yesterday, its been a while! David shared your site link with me, this is very amazing! We have a 6 acre farm and setup a community garden, chickens etc and have talked about trying talapia (one of my favorites), seeing this really inspires me to give it a try. Thanks!ReplyCancel

  • Bruce Miller - Fantasic effort! Great how to! please keep this story going!ReplyCancel

  • kc - Very impressive. Thanks so much for sharing. I would so love to have a set up to grow greens in winter. This is amazing. Best wishes.ReplyCancel

  • Valerie Ammendola - Thanks! I am trying to come up with a system to fit in a 5’x9′ sq ft basement area so this was really helpful! We are in Wisconsin and want to have a year round system so our only option is a basement too. I would love to hear about your prawns more too. I thought about having two grow beds, one with medium and another as a deep float raft with prawns in the bottom. I loved your sprout idea too. I am hoping to do duckweed in the sump since it doubles in size every week and I won’t have to keep buying seeds. Any suggestions would be great!ReplyCancel

  • Kathryn Connell - Fascinating! You remind me of the joy I used to get from reading Mother Earth News! Wish I had the space/ingenuity to try something like this.ReplyCancel

  • Beau - Thanks for sharing.. looking forward to seeing more..ReplyCancel

  • Basement Aquaponics: January Update » FreestyleFarm - […] how did my garden grow since the last post? Here is the […]ReplyCancel

  • Meg Stout - How fun! Makes me want to re-create my basement system again. Alas, it was a bit too cold in my basement for tilapia to thrive. I’ve got a home-made greenhouse in my back yard with bluegill and goldfish that have been doing great for over a year now without having to heat the water.ReplyCancel

  • tom cole - wow nice i got my aquaponics online about a year ago .. doing good too . how do you keep your ph up ? and not harm the fish ? at what level is best for both ?ReplyCancel

  • Melody Lyons - wow. trying to get truthful answers about anything is almost impossible. aqua store says one fish per 5 gallons, murray says two and one half gallons. all u ever need is fish poop. then i read about chelated iron,special rock beds and worms. havent heard anyone say, watch out for gravel that will keep your ph throw the roof or buy a lil ol heater 4 ur too cold basement.and who says whole foods grorchers is REALLY no gmo no mo?ReplyCancel

  • PATRICK WICK - Love this site! I am just about ready to pull the trigger on a system of my own. I could use use some more info on the bell syphon you mentioned, some sort of drawing would be helpful. Also, getting the Talapia I can’t seem to find a good source for them. keep up the good work!ReplyCancel

  • Ben - Great pictures! I have an indoor system using a 50 gal drum for the fish tank. I have the grow bed next to a window for the plants to get the sunlight they need. You can see pictures of my system on my website.ReplyCancel

  • Jan - I just found fish grown in China in refrigerator section our Smart and Final Grocery store. I think I want to grow my own.ReplyCancel

  • ana lorenzo - i love,love,love this article!thanks verry much!ReplyCancel

  • Ben - Catfish works very well in this kind of system. You can have much bigger stock densities as well. They would need more protein as grown-ups. Some people use maggots, red worms and such With Tilapia try keeping the sexes separate in the grow-out ponds.ReplyCancel

  • Rick Griffiths - Love the concept, the small size makes me think this is actually doable for a family. I learned about this type of farming on a larger scale and felt it had to be scaleable. Thank you for sharing your experience and helping others become more aware.ReplyCancel

  • San Thomas - I wish I had the money I would like to try something like this on a larger scale.ReplyCancel

  • Noam - Hi,

    Do you want to allow culture to build in the tilapia tank? Or would one prefer a UV resistant black tub to prevent build up?ReplyCancel

  • Renee V Raia - So cool I have already posted this to my FaceBook wall I just love it.ReplyCancel

  • Viceroy - Well done. Your aquaponics system looks really awesome and fun, while still producing the expected results -> organic food. Moreover, with your effort in fish breeding and fish food making, its like the beginning to become permaculture. Anyway, i suggest you use as much sunlight as you can and not relying 100% on artificial lighting since they dont have the ‘vitamins’ that the sun naturally gives to plants. Good luck!ReplyCancel

  • Louise - Fantastic! We are planning to use hydroponics to grow similar eats. Great to see success and gain some inspiration. Beautifully done!ReplyCancel

  • Steve - Hello,

    I live in Ottawa, Ontario and I am trying to find a Canadian source of Talapia stock to purchase (preferably not the genetically modified “males”). Any help, advise, or info would be so much appreciated.

    Thanks. Great work and best of luck in your aquaponics adventures.ReplyCancel

  • Backyard Duckponics » FreestyleFarm - […] them to work. Where there are ducks, there is poop, perfect for the ‘duckponics’ project. Our basement aquaponics is still thriving, but I wanted to grow outside and make better use of the pond and real […]ReplyCancel

  • John Elliott - first timer like what seeReplyCancel

  • Meg - This is amazing! Did you get any interest in doing a workshop? I would be very interested. I live in Toronto and we are hoping to start an indoor aquaponic system soon!! We are avid veg gardeners and I have no idea why I had never heard of aquaponics before! I am very excited to get started! Thanks for sharing your experience!ReplyCancel

  • Alice - It’s interesting that you used sprouts to feed your fish. Did you end up trying it again? if yes, did it work?ReplyCancel

  • Gaby Yazbek - I lift my hat to you and was wondering if you would be kind enough to give me a source in Ontario for starting tilapia farm . I am in Montreal pls advise . keep up the exelent job . looks great .ReplyCancel

  • Diana - Do you have detailed instructions on how you built this agauponic system? I am new at this and would love to learn… ThanksReplyCancel

  • steve patterson - I was looking at the aquaponics grow bed/fish tank the bell siphon you made is that 2″ pipe just sat in there or is it secured with glue or somethingReplyCancel

  • Connie - Just went to a Green Expo that had this idea. I already have goldfish as mosquito eaters for my animal water toughs and they come in the house for the winter, Alberta Canada, Tilapia is so much more as I can full the table with them as they grow. On the sprout feeding have you tried a floating food ring. It keeps the food contained and out of your filter. Love this idea and thanks for your posts. CConnieGailReplyCancel

  • Janis - I have been trying for two years now to get a system like this started. I can never get the plants to grow past the first to leaves. The seeds sprout, then never progress.ReplyCancel

  • jo - Love your site…..thank you for sharing:):):)ReplyCancel

  • william - what do you mean “no more fish”?…what happened !?!ReplyCancel

  • Val - This is absolutely the coolest thing I have ever seen!! Those vegetables are beautiful!ReplyCancel

  • Josiah Sherman - Hello,

    I have an Aquaponics Greenhouse and I’m looking for different ways to feed my Tilapia. I’m currently growing duckweed, but would like to grow several things.

    Have you tried the sprouts again? Do you have any other ideas?

    I will appreciate any help you can give.

    Thank you,

    • Jill - Hi Josiah, no I haven’t tried sprouts again, but I was thinking of raising black solider flies for the larvae, or maybe mealworms. Either way, icky!ReplyCancel

  • Douglas Bullard - I have 15 tilapia that readily eat all the bok choy that I give them. I began feeding them the bok choy as a supplement to the pellets but now they seem to prefer the bok choy over the pelleted food.ReplyCancel

  • karen - this is amazing! good jobReplyCancel

  • James - Hi, that’s cool. Would you guys have the famring systems for sale? cause I have a basement,willing to farm tilapia.Please contact me.ThanksReplyCancel

  • Danbards - Its so nice.but in our place, we don’t have clay pebbles. can we use broken clay pots instead? thank you.ReplyCancel

    • Jill Chen - Hi Dana, I’ve heard of people trying red lava rock – also known as Scoria (from landscaping supply places). Is there a hydroponic supplier near you? They may be able to suggest an alternative. I wouldn’t use smashed up clay pots. What you want is something light, has lost of surface area for bacteria to grow (that’s why expanded clay, or shale, or recycled glass stone is good as they are light with all the air pockets inside).
      Some people have used river rock and gravel, but very heavy so you need to make sure your growbed/table will support all the weight.
      Here’s a link in one of the forums that talks about lava rock (some even purchase BBQ stones – which is lava rock – and smash up)

  • Kale Jerky, better than potato chips! » FreestyleFarm - […] centre stalk can be replanted in the garden, or stuck in my basement aquaponics grow bed where it will continue to […]ReplyCancel

  • Narayann Kutty - Sir,
    I am from India,southern part of India.Recently I came across
    lots of articles,relating to AQUAPONIC farming.Your article
    really fantastic and informative.I wish to start aquaponic
    farming earliest,as your guidelines are impressive.Sir,I wish
    to know how much lighting is required in case of GROW BED is
    not placed in open area,I mean BASEMENT.
    Congratulation Sir,
    Thank youReplyCancel

  • susie - Hi,

    Thanks for providing great photos and comments/how to’s.
    I have a concern about setting up my tank in the basement.
    How do you manage the humidity in the basement? Is there an issue with mold?


  • mohammad - that’s absolutely amazing and inspiring… I will give this a sincere try.. hope it works for me here in Canada… 🙂
    thanks for sharing the picsReplyCancel

  • Michael Paoli - Hi! I teach math and science in a public school in New York. Next year we plan to set up a small aquaponics system in class. I think a 90+ gallon tank might work. We plan or raising edible fish and vegetation as a science inquiry, then we will have a BBQ at the end of the year with parents! We will also be hooking up Arduino units to monitor and feed the fish using some basic robotic programming. We will use sensors to test the water chemistry in our fish tanks and create an automatic fish food catapult that we can control from any computer anywhere in the world.

    We will be asking tough questions about where our food comes from and if can we create sustainable food production in the city. All this will be done through the lens of mathematics and science.

    Your advice would be helpful. We’re also looking to find some grant money.

    What do you think?ReplyCancel

  • Basement Aquaponics and Raising Tilapia | The Garden Of Eden - […] Basement Aquaponics and Raising Tilapia […]ReplyCancel

  • this - pictures look very professional.
    beautiful workReplyCancel

  • yusuf mario germino - wow. great blog.
    i just got to check it out now.
    nice system you got there and a photo made me think to check my tilapia and set up a breeding tank soon… in sha AllahReplyCancel

  • Manuel Espiritu - QUESTION – Is it safe to use Rubbermaid tanks for the biofilter and the sump?ReplyCancel

  • Steve - Great job!
    Im having a problem keeping the water clean.
    I have a swirl filter and a biofilter, but i get rapid sediment.
    Ideas? Thanks.

  • Mike - Where did you bought the fish online in canada?ReplyCancel

  • ives - Hi are you based in Toronto? I would love to learn how to grow Tilapia ! Are you looking for some volunteers? I hope your somewhere near Toronto lol Let me know if you are!
    Thank you and Best regards,
    P.s. By the way is your system RAS? If so that’s the system I want to learn. Location basement using RASI will most likely need more information. I have looked at some videos on fish farming in Haiti and can already see the benefits. If interested you can see the video here!

  • David pheth - hello,

    Your aqua system looks very impressive!

    I too would like to try start one myself. where do you buy the live tailapia fish ?


  • Shawn Westlaken - wow so balanced , what is the best book to have on this subject?ReplyCancel

  • Dave Craig - Very nice! Where did you source the tilapia in Canada?ReplyCancel

  • mulenga-pit - I would like to share some experience with you.ReplyCancel

  • Ted Ballard - I need help in designing an exterior Fish (Tilapia) Tank to support a hydroponic garden.I need the sizing for the tank to support 600 lbs of Tilapia and how many feet of 30″ wide channel for hydroponic vegetable productionReplyCancel

  • Chris Diaz - Greetings, I love eating Tilapia cooked in any manner, and exploring in starting my own at home.

    How do I go about starting my own?

    Thank you for sharing your experience and expertise.


  • Max - Very cool Site!
    I am planning to do the same in AUstria….ReplyCancel

  • Christian Holland, M.D. - Thank you for sharing your experience!ReplyCancel

  • stanley - hello there,
    i am wanting to start an aquaponics in my backyard this summer. i currently live in edmonton. I want your help on how to go about it. you have an amazing aquaponicsReplyCancel

  • JV - Another tally mark to having a workshop, please! I live near enough to Toronto.ReplyCancel

  • Mike - I live in saskatewan Canada I’m looking info and location where to get started can you help meReplyCancel

  • Zach - I have been looking to buy tilapia for my new aquaponic system and its tough when you come from Southern Ontario to find them, are you selling any? Where did you get yours ?ReplyCancel

  • Shauna - Love your site. Do you sell Tilapia pellets? ThanksReplyCancel

  • james - what stocking density do you recommend?ReplyCancel

  • Catherine Todd - Had to post this twice, since I LOVE your blog!

    What a wonderful site a friend of mine referred me to… and it’s just what we want to do here in Guatemala, in finding ways that some of the poorest people who suffer from great malnutrition might be able to survive. Many of them do not have electricity so we will have to find ways to run a pump without it… hopefully solar will do the trick… but we can implement your basement growing practices outdoors.

    I’m going to be a subscriber right now! Thanks for such encouraging interesting and funny words describing your projects and for the clear, excellent photos that accompany the text. With both of those I think we can do it!

    Gracias, amigos… Catherine Todd, Panajachel Organics (dot) com.ReplyCancel

  • Zach - I have a small dutch bucket aquaponic set up and have been trying to get talapia for my 100 gallon tank. WHere are you located? I only need like 5 to 10 small fingerlings and i’ll let them grow from there. just very hard in southern Ontario to find tilapia.ReplyCancel

  • Tara - Genius! The best I have read on the subject so far.ReplyCancel

  • Paul - well done.

    how did you 1st get your tilapia.

    I’m in Montreal and i’m having a very hard time to find.



  • shauna - Where did you get the talapia from and did you need a special license?

  • Mike - Truly great operation. I am a novice and am interested in creating an aquaponic system in basement.
    I was wondering where you obtained your fingerlings. At this point I am interested in tilapia, however I have not had any success in locating any.
    I would greatly appreciate any assistance you may provide in this area.
    Thank you

  • Shaffie Mohammed - How can I get started on a Do It Yourself system for my basement.
    There are so many kits out there but they are too expensive.


  • walter toy - real cool story! thank you!

    I live in Maple Ridge.B.C. Where in Canada did you buy your fingerling Tilapias?ReplyCancel

  • Fahad - i need help i have 500 tiliapia fishReplyCancel

  • tom - I would like to start out small and expand to local commercial farmers market sales. I would need to build a heated space for this operation.

    This would give me an opportunity to learn about some of the problems I would have to overcome.

    Do you have a list of materials needed to set up the operation you have?ReplyCancel

  • Rebecca Sheffar - This is very interesting and something I would like to try sometime, but I have a question. Do you need the grow lights if there are windows in your basement? I live in a basement apartment and the windows are pretty large, big enough for a full grown adult to climb out if emergencies occur. The only time we don’t get a lot of light is in the winter when the snow banks get too high for a lot of daylight to get through, the rest of the year it is fine.ReplyCancel

  • The Rocking Homestead - This is awesome! We’re looking to build a greenhouse this year and I’d like to set up an aquaponics system in it. Probably somewhat smaller than yours, but pretty close. Our whole greenhouse will be 6×8 feet, and we’ll have our quail hutch in there too. Out of curiosity, how big is your 100 gallon tank? As in, how much floor space does it need? Thanks in advance!ReplyCancel

  • brigitte - Hello! Love your set-up! Thank you for all the wonderful and clear pictures! We have been looking for Tilapia ( blue-we think would be the best choice for us) for several years. When we inquired at Noa they would only send the fingerlings by plane which was totally cost prohibitive. We are located half way between Montreal and Ottawa. We would like to raise some fingerlings with the intention of breeding our own thereafter. Would you be able to point us to a supplier ? Thanks so much!ReplyCancel

  • Michael - Nice, I have just started this year (Apr 2016) and found a place in Oakville ON, Canada that sells Nile Tilapia for about $2.50 each delivered in ON. So I have 20 of them now in a 30 Gal tank in the garage since it is still to cold outside to grow. I am hoping to put them outside in late May and get the plants that I have started also inside out as well. Since you are in Ontario as well how do you find moving the system in doors during the winter or are you always in side now? Do you have issues with moisture / mold and what do you do for grow lights?ReplyCancel

  • George Hamm - I have blue tilapia for sale, you can call me at 226-973-6710 if interested.ReplyCancel

  • Monarch Aquaponics - We ship Tilapia anywhere in Canada live arrival guaranteed!ReplyCancel

  • Samuel Miller-Shrock - Wanting to start an aquaponics permaculture education center in the heart of the worlds largest amish communityReplyCancel

  • Atimango Juliet - l would like to start a simple fish farming like yours if possible in buckets. how should I start.ReplyCancel

  • Maurice - Hi there!
    I too live inEdmonton, and am in the middle of setting up tilapia tanks and an aquaponics room in my basement.
    What food are you using for your tilapia, and can you recommend a source?
    If you are interested in going in together on any supplies purchases, I am interested..
    Maurice Hilarius

  • Syd - I am interested to learn about duckquaponics.ReplyCancel

  • Erich - Hi thanks so much about posting on Aquaponics. That looks very nice.
    I am wanting to start my own Greenhouse and am learning about this way of gardening. Since i live in Manitoba i will have to deal with weather but I would love to get in contact with you about the whole setup and supplies.
    Waiting to hear back from you.

  • Scott Hargreaves - Where did you get your Blue Tilapia. It’s still hard to find.


  • ron - I am just considering starting with hydrophonics first, in Sept. I’d like to perhaps correspond with you then. thanks.ReplyCancel

  • Gilles P. - Will be starting my own system in a few months, love your site, pictures are wonderfullReplyCancel

  • House basement - Looking beautiful.ReplyCancel

  • marc - going to try a system made here where did you find the fish in CanadaReplyCancel

  • Trung Nguyen - I am testing my aquaponics system in my garage with goldfish. The goldfish is doing fine and the plants are growing but I would like to have Tilapia. Where do we get small tilapia in Montreal?


  • Maude Paquin - Thanks for sharing all this great info! I was wondering, is it possible to have the roots dipping directly in the fish tank? thus eliminating the need for a pump? Or is the circulation of the water truly important maybe to trap some tiny air bubble or something?ReplyCancel

  • Michel Badiere - Very interesting website!

    Do you still have Aquaponics workshops?

    I am interested in starting a small scale aquaponic system in my basement to raise tilapia. Would please send me all information, date, and price of the workshop.

    Thanks for a prompt answer.

    Michel Badiere


  • chris peterson - This is a tremendous help. We are just starting our research and hope to have an Auqaponics greenhouse system soon. We want to do as much research as possible to get as much right the first time as possible! We can’t wait! We have to construct the greenhouse first! Looking at a Passive Solar Greenhouse on the South wall of our garage!!!(with Solar power hopefully!) great pics! Thanks!ReplyCancel

  • Rick - I think it was well maintained aquaponic system, or may it is still there in 2018.ReplyCancel

  • Gerrit - Hello
    I was wondering do you sell prawn would you be able to ship to alberta ?
    We are looking for some for our aquaponic system ?ReplyCancel

  • John - Love your setup … think I may set one up … Would love to get newsletter regularly if you do that…
    God Bless!

  • Jim Burry - Where did you find a dealer to give you twenty? Everyone I find needs a minimum 1000 but that’s too many for my tank.

  • Michael H. Barlow - looks great, I need your helpReplyCancel

  • Lythiane Gateka - Please let me know where you work and I will come straight to you. I need to start as soon as possible this business in Ottawa.ReplyCancel

  • Trung Nguyen - From where do you buy the Tilapia fish food?ReplyCancel

  • Brent - Just curious… have you written up a list of supplies needed to follow your model? I really like what you’ve done and would love to try aquaponics in my basement as well. But, so far I don’t see a comprehensive list to get started.

    Any help would be SUPER appreciated. OR if you have a resource that you used to start, I’d love to see that as well.

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful blog!ReplyCancel

  • rita - Hello! I am in need of Tilapia, to start my basement aquaponics. I wonder if I could ask you some questions?
    I live in Manitoba, where are you located?

  • alain Lanthier - Hi
    I will like to order blue Tilapia fingerling
    Male and Female mixed

    What is your minimum order?
    When it is possible to receive them?

    Alain Lanthier

    To be ship to:
    302 Rte Victor Delamarre, Lac-Bouchette, QC G0W 1V0, canadaReplyCancel

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