There are only four days left to vote at Fido’s casting call, so Henry has asked for your help.
“Vote from your ipad, iphone, laptop, anything. Just vote for moi,
Henri Cuchon (I know it’s spelled wrong, but that’s how you pronounce it)”
“I love my mommy”
“I love my daddy”
“I love to sleep, and yes, that’s my lower lip hanging out when I’m snoring.”
“And if you visit me, I will lay with you for a belly rub.”
“Betty and I practicing “Sit”. Only I learned this trick just a few days ago and it only took me 15 minutes. Just say’n.”
“I learned to “Sit” and “Stay” in two short sessions. I can do anything that a dog can do! Oink.”
“Please vote for me every day till November 17, and don’t be shy to share this site on my behalf. Merci. Oink.”
Lisa Cain - Go Henry Go.
France Simard - We’ve been voting for Henry everyday! And he’s beating Molly’s derrière big time. Wouldn’t that be hilarious if he finished first. I think you better get him a bow tie just in case… Here’s monsieur henri cuchon taking his first flight for a VIP (very important pig) spaw treatment before his fido photo shoot : )