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Lemon Buttermilk Pudding Cake

Imagine a delicate, light and airy sponge cake, followed by a fluffy soufflé middle layer, and a creamy tangy lemon curd on the bottom. I can’t think of a more perfect summer dessert than this. What is most amazing is that the batter will miraculously separate into these three distinct layers as it bakes. You can serve it hot, warm, or my preference is cold with fresh berries and a baby scoop of vanilla ice cream – all drizzled with our own maple syrup. Casual enough to serve spooned straight from the baking dish, or fancy it up in individual ramekins.

This one was easily inhaled straight out of the oven, dusted with icing sugar, all steamy and wobbly.

Separate your yolks into a large bowl, and your whites in another bowl for whipping later.
I doubled the recipe below, that’s why there’s so many egg yolks.

Whisk or blend your eggs with the sugar, flour, and salt. It will be a thick soft dough.
My lovely assistant left me at this point for a better offer of a playdate.

Whisk in the buttermilk, melted butter, lemon zest and lemon juice.

Whip your egg whites into soft peaks, then gently fold into egg mixture.

Pour batter into buttered baking dish or ramekins, and bake in a hot water bath. Add the boiling hot water to the pan once it’s in the oven, rather than trying to carry a heavy pan full of liquid and scalding yourself.

There is no “after” photo of the baking dish, for some reason…it stuck to the roof of the oven and burned. Don’t ask…

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